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ISSN Online: 2377-424X

International Heat Transfer Conference 12
August, 18-23, 2002, Grenoble, France

Condensational relaxation of supersaturated vapor: an investigation of thermodinamic parameters pulsations effect

Get access (open in a dialog) DOI: 10.1615/IHTC12.570
6 pages


An analysis is made of the vapor condensation process after the instantaneous creation of the supersaturated state. The authors determine this process as condensational relaxation. The vapor - non- condensable gas mixture is considered. It is suggested that the thermodinamic parameters of mixture, such as temperature and pressure, have small harmonic pulsations. The goals of present study are i) to simulate the vapor condensation process over a wide range of the initial conditions and ii) to find out in terms of simulation results the dependences of condensational relaxation time τc and drop number density nc on initial conditions, in particular, initial supersaturation ratio s0, pulsation amplitude v0 frequency ν and initial pulsation phase φ0. These problems attract attention due to the fact that the vapor condensation process in some cases, for instance in turbulent flows, may be accompanied by the pulsations of thermodinamic parameters.