Inscrição na biblioteca: Guest

ISSN Online: 2377-424X

ISBN Print: 0-89116-559-2

International Heat Transfer Conference 8
August, 17-22, 1986, San Francisco, USA


Get access (open in a dialog) DOI: 10.1615/IHTC8.2370
pages 151-160


Heat and mass transfer processes in turbulent diffusion flames are discussed, considering turbulent mixing and the structure of single-phase flames, drop processes in spray flames, and nonluminous and luminous flame radiation. A thorough review of these topics is not intended, rather, interactions between turbulence and other phenomena are emphasized, concentrating on past work of the author and his associates. The conserved-scalar formalism, along with the laminar flamelet approximation, is shown to provide reasonable estimates of the structure of gas flames, with modest levels of empiricism. Extending this approach to spray flames has highlighted the importance of drop/turbulence interactions, e.g., turbulent dispersion of drops, modification of turbulence by drops, etc. Stochastic methods being developed to treat these phenomena are yielding encouraging results. Recent work also demonstrates the importance of radiation turbulence interactions, e.g., the modification of radiance properties from predictions based on mean scalar properties. Stochastic ideas, adapted from spray analysis, show promise here as well. However, current methods require additional fundamental research to achieve levels of reliability needed for practical applications.