Suscripción a Biblioteca: Guest

ISSN Online: 2377-424X

ISBN Print: 978-1-56700-474-8

ISBN Online: 978-1-56700-473-1

International Heat Transfer Conference 16
August, 10-15, 2018, Beijing, China


Get access (open in a dialog) DOI: 10.1615/IHTC16.cms.021763
pages 1867-1874


Sedimentation of solid spherical particles is commonly found not only in industries but also in nature, and it is featured by the extremely complicated interactions between dispersed and continuous phases. The complicity will be significantly enhanced if both heat transfer between different phases and non-uniform of size of dispersed phase should be considered. Until now few studies are available on this important topic. In order to reveal the combination effects of heat transfer and particles' sizes on sedimentation behavior of solid particles, in the present research, three types of sphere pair are investigated numerically: (1) two isothermal, (2) two hot and (3) two cold spherical particles with different size ratios. Through numerical simulation, it is found that the couple of heat transfer and particles' size effect is so strong that the sedimentation behavior of sphere pair depends sensitively on both of them. Moreover, it is observed that the effect of heat transfer and that of size ratio will dominate different stages of the settling processes, respectively.