Suscripción a Biblioteca: Guest

ISSN Online: 2377-424X

ISBN Print: 0-89116-299-2

International Heat Transfer Conference 7
September, 6-10, 1982, Munich, Germany


Get access (open in a dialog) DOI: 10.1615/IHTC7.1680
pages 183-188


In effective utilizations of moderate temperature heats such as hot brine, OTEC, waste heats and cold of LNG, the Rankine cycle using multi-atomic molecules such as hydrocarbons or freons is adequate to electric power generation. Some multiatomic molecules such as C02 have comparatively large molecular vibrational relaxation time. This paper makes a theoretical and experimental study on stagnation heat transfer as a means of conducting further research in the effects of vibrational relaxation time on thermo-fluid phenomena. In the experimental study, a glass cylinder of 2 mm diameter having a thin platinum film near the stagnation point was set in a shock tube. From a felicitous agreement between theory and experiment, it is concluded that when the relaxation time is equal or longer than the flow characteristic time, the heat flux is smaller than that in the thermal equilibrium case, and that the heat flux decrease caused by the relaxation gets larger with high contribution of vibrational degree to specific heat.