Abo Bibliothek: Guest

ISSN Online: 2377-424X

ISBN Print: 978-1-56700-474-8

ISBN Online: 978-1-56700-473-1

International Heat Transfer Conference 16
August, 10-15, 2018, Beijing, China


Get access (open in a dialog) DOI: 10.1615/IHTC16.nmt.022862
pages 7217-7223


A low-melting point alloy (LMPA) based micro ice valve is proposed in this work. This micro ice valve uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the working fluid to block the flow. To accurately control the position of frozen point, LMPA channel was introduced in this ice valve. The ice valve contains one fluid channel and one or two LMPA channels, lying on one or both sides of the fluid channel. The LMPA can be injected into the micro-channels by syringe to form the LMPA micro-channel and directly contacts the fluids. Because of its high heat conductivity, LMPA can help to reduce the response time of the ice valve. Before the experiments, lots of numerical study should be performed to design the ice valve. In this paper, numerical simulation is carried out to reveal the performance of the ice valve. The temperature of the LMPA and fluid is set at room temperature (25°C) at the beginning. The solid LMPA thermal conduction model and the water solidification heat transfer model are coupled to calculate the closing time of the valve. So far, the shortest response time is 1s when the water velocity is 0m/s. The results of parametric study will help to guide the fabrication of the ice valve in the future.