Abo Bibliothek: Guest

ISSN Online: 2377-424X

International Heat Transfer Conference 12
August, 18-23, 2002, Grenoble, France

Ballistic-diffusive equations for multidimensional nanoscale heat conduction

Get access (open in a dialog) DOI: 10.1615/IHTC12.4170
6 pages


Heat conduction in micro- and nanoscale and in ultra-fast processes may deviate from the predictions of the Fourier Law, due to boundary and interface scattering and the finite relaxation time of heat carriers. The transient ballistic-diffusive heat conduction equations that can produce similar results as the Boltzmann equation but much simpler to solve were derived before. In this paper, we further discuss several issues on using the ballistic-diffusive equations for multidimensional nano-scale heat conduction including boundary conditions, initial condition and the heat source term. The numerical solution strategies for multidimensional nano-scale heat conduction using ballistic-diffusive equations are presented. Simulation results of heat conduction situations similar to conditions in MOSFET with heat source much smaller than silicon phonon mean free path show that the localized nanoscale heating can cause several times larger temperature rise than that predicted by the Fourier law. This work shows that the ballistic-diffusive equations and the numerical calculation strategies are promising for incorporating into commercial device simulator.