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ISSN Online: 2377-424X

ISBN Print: 0-85295-345-3

International Heat Transfer Conference 10
August, 14-18, 1994, Brighton, UK


Get access (open in a dialog) DOI: 10.1615/IHTC10.4880
pages 13-18


There is significant radiative heat transfer in a sodium cooled fast reactor from the hot sodium pool to the cool underside of the reactor roof. Under certain conditions sodium aerosols are present in the cover gas space and participate in the radiative exchange. Intensities of thermal radiation from a black body source, located on one side of a 0.6 m diameter vessel, were measured under boundary conditions typical of a fast reactor cover gas space. Measurements in the absence and presence of sodium aerosols indicated the attenuation due to the aerosol. Mie scattering calculations agreed with the data but no conclusions about the real size distributions could be drawn.
To provide more information about the sodium aerosol characteristics a 0.15 m diameter vessel was constructed. Four sapphire windows gave optical access to the gas space above the sodium pool and these enabled laser droplet sizing devices to be used. Two commercially available droplet sizing instruments were used on this rig. Measurements made at the same conditions by both instruments differed significantly.
Finally an aerosol sampling system was fitted to the 0.6 m diameter vessel. Sodium aerosol was collected by extracting a sample of the cover gas through a heated tube and bubbling it through liquid paraffin. Analysis of the size distribution of the frozen sodium droplets suggested possible explanations for the differences between the laser measurements.